Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Big Moments - Stick It! (2006)

Before you all jump down my throats and tell me that this is a terrible movie not worthy of my analysis, I'm going to give a little disclaimer: I've actually never seen the movie.  Nope. I've heard about it. So why, might you ask, did I pick this random, potentially terrible movie to the be topic of my next blog? Chalk out of ideas, not having been able to watch any movies lately, I asked my roommate what her favorite movie was. She said she didn't have one (safe answer!), but that she loved Stick It!. So this one's for her. And actually, this monologue isn't half-bad. For a Disney/tween movie.

Note: I'm only using the first 30 seconds or so. 

Haley Graham: There are things you wish for before big moments. I wish my friends were here. I wish my parents were different. I wish there was someone who got what was happening, and could just look at me and tell me we weren't crazy, that we weren't being stupid. Someone to say "I'm proud of you, and I got your back... no matter what."

Now this isn't a golden movie moment by any means; it's not going down on the 100 top movie quotes of all time. However, I think there's something here we can relate to. 

We've all been through those big moments, or at least moments we think are big. You know, like graduation, the championship game, a recital, a spelling bee, something completely personal.  A moment when time slows down and all that matters is that you're there and it's happening, then it's gone.

When it's gone, you're kind of sad. Or in a state of disbelief, as if what happened was so surreal that you're pinching yourself. Maybe a combination of the two.  Either way, it's over and it's a memory.

Have you ever noticed how weird it is when something completely random pops into your mind before these moments? It's like when we're so focused, when we know something big is about to happen, something we maybe didn't realize before comes to us.

I know that I've had my share of "big moments." I'd say the biggest moment so far in my life was giving the commencement speech at my high school graduation. This was a big deal, especially since I had beaten out one of my high school "rivals" in the audition process.  I wasn't nervous when I walked onto the stage and took my seat in front of 3000 people. Actually, the room, a gymnasium, was kind of warm and there was a low murmur of fans and whispers.  

I remember being so excited to have this one big moment that I'd remember forever. I hoped that someone would remember something I said. I hoped that I would make my grandma tear up when I mentioned a quotation that she always had posted at her house. But what I thought about most was how I wished every teacher, every coach and every friend that had ever believed in me could be there to hear my thanks to them. I wished that they could all be there, nodding in recognition that they were partially the reason I was standing at that podium.

There have been other moments of lesser caliber, but just as memorable. Softball games that I actually got to play in, research presentations, certain award ceremonies, band concerts. Moments that I wished my friends could have been there, supporting me. My family usually was, but sometimes they weren't.

As I look to the future, I think of all the big moments to come that will be for me and me only. My friends and family won't always be there when something big is about to happen in my life.  So I suppose that's it: our lives are in fact our own, and sometimes we just have to remember the good times for ourselves. Though it'd be lovely to have someone there after every step of the way patting our backs and telling us "great job," things just don't work out that way. We have to be there for ourselves, proud of what we've done or what's happened to us.

I guess that's just growing up and claiming our lives for our own.

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